Sound/scapes at the Asian Art Museum SF

Here are video documentations of my Sound/scape performances at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco. The June performance is inspired by the works of Filipino-American artist Carlos Villa. The July performance, In the Cave of Guanyin, is inspired by the Chinese manifestation of Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of Compassion. The final Sound/scape, Skipping Stones and Speaking Pines, is performed with Kanoko Nishi-Smith and takes inspiration from the paintings and brushwork of Uragami Gyokudo, Tokuyama Gyokuran, and Chiura Obata. Deep thanks to Janet Oh, curator, Jenny Chu and Steve Kaye for video, and Norman Teale for the audio recordings.


The Secret of Growth - NakedEye Ensemble at Temple University


Practicing Sands - review in The Quietus by Jennifer Lucy Alan